Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Review of Divergent: Chapter One

I will be doing something a little different with this book. Instead of spending months trying to fight for time to sit down with a book and then write a three paragraph review about it, I will instead read a chapter or two (depending on how long they are) and blog about my reaction to the chapters. So there will be SPOILERS here.
Of course, I am "stealing" this style of blogging from a comedic writer from Spark Notes who has written some hilarious blogs about the Twilight and the Harry Potter series. I am doing this to keep myself motivated to make time to read a book that seems like one I will really enjoy.
I saw the movie trailer and it looks like a story that's in the same ballpark as the Hunger Games. It's young adult, there's a strong, independent female lead, there's a big government who controls every aspect of its citizens' lives, and the lead female becomes the leader of the rebellion against the government.
Every since the Revolutionary War, we Americans can't get enough of stories about the underdog giving the finger to the big, bad, overbearing government officials and succeeding in overthrowing them and knocking them off their high-horse. I would say it's a proud American tradition.

So here is my reaction to the first chapter of Divergent by Veronica Roth. I first have to comment on the title itself. This is the simplest, most direct title I've ever seen since "Frozen." To be "divergent" means to diverge away, for example "to diverge from the majority." I know we celebrate and praise individuality in this culture, but this is a little ridiculous. I guess that just makes the title easier to remember.
The story opens with the main character getting her hair cut in front of the forbidden mirror. Apparently, people living in her district, er... I mean faction, aren't allowed to look at themselves in mirrors or celebrate birthdays, because that would cause people to become self-indulging assholes. So they're like the Amish with the creepy faceless dolls.
It is the day of the main character's aptitude test where she gets to choose which faction she wants to live in. However, should she choose a faction other than her own, she will never get to see her family again. The only thing we learn about her family is that her mom is pretty, but an "Abnegation," her dad reads the newspaper at breakfast (because all dads do that), and she has a brother, who is also an "Abnegation." She keeps using that word, "Abnegation." I don't think it means what she thinks it means... We also learn her brother's name is Caleb, but I still have no idea what her name is.
Then we get some exposition like the one paragraph about "Candors" who are people that wear black and white suits, because "that's how they see the truth." Woah... that's deep man... I'm also reminded of these guys:

So there are different factions that must uphold their assigned morals. The Candors hold honesty above everything, the Abnegation value selflessness, the Dauntless value bravery, the Erudite (to be exposition-ed later), and the Amity (more at 11).
Wait, so there are students who go to a special school where they wear long robes and are sorted into different groups based on their personalities? So it's like if people took the sorting hat WAAAYY too seriously. 
She talks for a bit about how stupidly reckless the Dauntless are and how she can't understand why she likes to stare at them even though they all look like members of a biker gang. The Dauntless' purpose in society is to protect the city from some unknown outside force. Foooorrshaadoowwiiiiing.....
And that's it for chapter one. I still have no idea what the main character's name is or anything about her as a character. I guess that would be the point since her faction is all about being selfless to the point to where you never even talk about yourself. That's pretty much all she does is talk about others and her opinions and thoughts of them. The only thing she reveals about herself is that she's nervous about the test and she's clumsy. Because being clumsy is so relatable! OMG! #THAT IS SO ME!!! I'm seriously sick of clumsy female protagonists. 
So far, I am intrigued to see how this plot will play out. Despite my jokes and complaints, nothing has turned me off from further reading. I'm curious to see how often I will compare this to the Hunger Games. Take a shot every time I do! (If you die, don't sue me.)

1 comment:

  1. I love the comedy in this post and how detailed you are in your response to the chapter. I don't want to give away anything so I'll just say that you need to keep reading because it gets way better! I can't wait to see what else you have to say.
