Wednesday, April 16, 2014

The Great Gatsby (2013)

I loved this movie and I also loved the book. They both get a 10/10 from me. If you're from America, it's VERY likely that you were required to read this book in high school. For those who may not be aware, The Great Gatsby is a story that takes place in the mid-1920's about a mysterious rich man and his obsession with his old girlfriend and the rough road commonly taken by those striving for the "American Dream".
People seem to have mixed feelings about this movie. They're pretty much the same feelings most people have about a movie that is based on their favorite book.
Book-to-film adaptations are complicated. You are taking one source material and shaping it into something completely different. A movie is visual medium and a book is more of a mental medium. How you picture something happening in a book is usually very different than what someone else might picture. There's also the time limit most movies have, so cutting out and changing things from the original source material is inevitable.

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Bad Movies That I Like

I decided to talk about some bad movies that I happen to enjoy. I'm sure everyone has at least one relatively unpopular/unknown movie that makes you feel as if you are the only one that enjoys it. I don't like using the term "guilty pleasure" in terms of movies, because I shouldn't feel guilty for liking a movie. It's not a crime to like a movie, and it shouldn't say anything bad about my character. I'm not going to convince you to like these movies, it's more like a confession to maybe make my audience feel more comfortable with the movies they enjoy. In no particular order, these are my top 5 "guilty pleasure" movies.